Spartan Level: Efficacy Enhanced by Ethics

ECS: Knowledge-based Modules Cohort 2022

Talent enhancement is what coaching can do at a first level. This course ensures you do it professionally.
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    Start date

Current 2022 cohort is in progress.
Next 2023 cohort begins in March. Stay tuned for exact start date.

   Course Duration

The Knowledge-based Modules require a minimum of 6 months to be completed. Knowledge and practice are delivered over 16 two and a half hour workshops. Specific dates are provided prior to the start date of each cohort.

   For Globally oriented professionals

The course is in English but can be attended by anyone with a working knowledge of the English language. Actively participating in the community and forums will earn you points for successful completion of the course.

  Time Investment

3-4 hours per week including the 2.5 hours for each workshop. Not all weeks include a workshop though. We call this the "regroup week" as it gives you the chance to take a small break from your studies, recap and regroup.

A quick overview of the course

Hybrid (blended) learning at its best with face to face delivery + use of e-learning platform 

  • 2 Modules broken down into four UNITS each
  • Each UNIT is completed in 2 Workshops
  • 16 weekly Workshops - with one "regroup week" every 3 weeks
  • 5 hours included for supervision & reflection

Who is this course for?

When you wish to acquire the foundations of professional coaching without aiming to - necessarily - build an external practice, or if you wish to become an internal coach, then this course is for you. 
Ideal candidates may be:
  • executives & HR staff
  • managers of all levels
  • teachers
  • university students
  • employees & staff of all organisations & NGOs
  • SME business owners & directors
  • politicians
  • sports coaches

Breakdown of course hours

  Total course hours: 50
  Hours per module: 20
  Hours per UNIT: 10
  Workshop structure: 2.5 hours live video ZOOM call (including a small break)
  Pre-recorded videos with learning material analysed: approximately 4-5 hours included in total course hours
Additional time to invest for this course
 Asynchronous self-study & assignment completion hours: approx. 5 hours per unit
 Buddy coaching: 24 hours (12 as coach + 12 as client)
Spartan Level: Efficacy Enhanced by Ethics

How can I become a fully certified professional?

Coaching Knowledge + Assessment + Neuropsychology
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Coaching Evolution Int'l Academy is committed to delivering high quality education with transparency, loyalty and dedication to ethics. Our course structure is such that ensures all of you, our students, remain engaged and willing to complete the full course, thus adding more value to your time and money. To receive a Certificate of Completion and to become eligible to apply for an official credential, you need to complete all three of the following courses. The full Elementary Coaching Skills programme can be completed within one year. 

Below you can see what each course offers.
REMEMBER: on this page you can only purchase the Elementary Coaching Skills Knowledge-based Modules course.
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Elementary Coaching Skills: Knowledge-based Modules

This is the core learning phase (Phase I). You need to complete this phase successfully before you can move on to the next phase which is the more practical part of the full programme. The lectures are delivered via live Zoom video calls (camera on and interactive presentation of material)

Deliverables & assessed elements

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Elementary Coaching Skills: Competence Assessment Module

This is the assessment phase (Phase II). You need to complete it successfully along with Phase I in order to obtain a Certificate of Completion from our Academy. Only then are you eligible to apply for an official credential by the ICF and the EMCC Global.

Deliverables & assessed elements

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Neuropsychology for Professionals

The first course ever to be formally included in a coach training programme. For our Academy it is a pre-requisite to complete your coach training effectively and to coach efficiently. It is included for free if you are determined to become a coach and purchase the complete Elementary Coaching Skills programme.

Deliverables & assessed elements

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Are you interested in becoming a fully certified coach? 
then check out the offer we have below! 

Elementary Coaching Skills course bundle offer
Save $300

This course is usually purchased with:

Elementary Coaching Skills - Competence Assessment Module

Bonus Course in this offer: Neuropsychology for Professionals Part 1. You save an extra $450
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What's included?

This is a hybrid course that makes extensive use of the Virtual Learning Platform (e-learning).
All live lessons are uploaded in the specific cohort area to ensure confidentiality of the work done. Additional material can be found in there for specific study. 

Core Competencies Development

All ICF and EMCC Global Competencies Frameworks are presented in a clear manner and demonstrated by the instructor. The student is requested to be in a position to know these and know what these entail as regards practical application and ethical consideration in real life choices. The Knowledge assessment is based on the Core Competencies Development element along with additional study from a reading list that the Academy supplies the student with. 

Experiential Learning Components

This is, in essence, what is called “controlled practice”. The ELCs are two distinct elements that take place during the live workshops. The Coach Practice Development and the Practice Sessions on Strategies, Techniques and Competence-building through Case Studies. During these components, students are required to apply theory to practice in the live classes and evaluate their performance through reflection. 

Coach Practice Development

The instructor presents theory or strategies by demonstrating these live to expand on the theory already presented. The learners are asked to observe and attempt a hand at illustrating their skills in real time under the guidance of their instructor.


Knowledge Assessment is a key element of the course. Students are expected to read books and articles to support their knowledge acquisition. Learning logs and other reflective tasks are required to be submitted through the VLP (Virtual Learning Platform).

Strategies & Techniques

The curriculum determines the competencies and techniques that they are expected to try their hand at as it is of utmost importance to experience the initial pressure of coaching others effectively in a safe and controlled environment, such as the classroom.

Buddy Coaching

From Module 2 onwards students are asked to coach each other on real-life issues in a supportive and confidential environment. The students have the opportunity to enhance their experiential learning both as an enhancement coach and as a client following the ELCs.

Your two modules | Evidence-based material

Introduction to Talent Enhancement
Talent enhancement is a concept our Academy supports in two ways: first by enhancing the talents and skills we, as individuals and students have, and second as enhancement agents to others. In this capacity we start our agent (coach) training with an understanding of what exactly is required of us as students and future or current professionals and what it is we are expected to do during sessions with our clients. Both units of this module focus on how the practice of coaching is laid out according to the major coaching bodies that provide accreditations and the respective credentials.

Topics such as a definition of coaching, reflection, supervision, mentor coaching, codes of ethics are explained while students have the opportunity to practise on the rules of engagement and reflecting. Supervision practices are role-played so that students can use this knowledge as a reference point in future. Students are introduced to basic coaching models like the Impact Cycle while the Transtheoretical Model of Change sets the right foundation for understanding how humans change. The role of neuroscience in coaching is a key learning experience.


Unit 1 - Introduction, processes, definitions & competencies
Unit 2 - The nature of change, personal competencies & Codes of Ethics 
Unit 3 - Neuroscience and the brain & Rules of Engagement
Unit 4 - Transtheoretical model of Change & The Impact Cycle
Applying Talent Enhancement
Becoming enhancement agents does not happen overnight. Just as change in our clients cannot happen over a short period of time. But how can change be effected? And what kind of change? Where does an agent begin?

Core competencies and their value as tools are defined while students are expected to study neuropsychology through the example of Ayrton Senna and other Formula 1 drivers. The Socratic Method is broken down into Maieutics and Dialectics to help form the right questions for our clients.

The IMPACT cycle and the Defining Your Role Strategy are practised and students are asked to establish which is truer to their abilities. Reflection is effected with the understanding of values, principles, self-belief and self-efficacy for the student as an individual. All these elements are also analysed as tools in the hands of an enhancement agent.


Unit 5 - Ayrton Senna & coaching, belief systems and efficacy
Unit 6 - Self regulation & personal development, Coaching skills & tools
Unit 7 - Coaching strategies & skills
Unit 8 - Coaching strategies & techniques

Why should I take this course?


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How will this course help you?

You will develop the ability to coach others in your chosen area of activity or as an internal coach in your organisation.
You will appreciate the nature of coaching as an effective tool for your own personal development and that of the other you coach.
You will become fully aware of the coaching processes and techniques that are necessary as a foundation, along with the theories that underpin these.
You will gain a critical awareness of the legal and ethical aspects of coaching and be able to support its value and efficiency.
You will become resourceful and perceptive yourself leading to better quality choices in your personal and professional life.

Overall objectives of the course

We aim to have assisted our students in accomplishing the following after completing this course:
  • Understanding the need and adopting the philosophy of personal change as students
  • Embracing the concept of coaching as a method for intellectual performance enhancement
  • Experiencing the difference between learning coaching as a method vs applying it in practice
  • Developing a mindset of being personally and socially responsible for the profession of coaching

Assessment of learning outcomes

Evaluation of each students achievement of learning objectives, using a variety of assessment methods (written, oral and practical tests/examinations, projects and portfolios) during or at the end of this educational programme.
Request brochure for details.

Overall learning outcomes

These include the totality of information, knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values, skills, competencies or behaviours our students are expected to master upon successful completion of this educational programme.
Request brochure for details.

Certification included

  • xxxxx

    • xxxxx

Neuropsychology for Professionals:

Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one. The skills you need to become a real professional. Thrive in your career.
  • Highly Engaging courses
  • Unique Learning Paths
  • Video Conferencing
  • Assignments
  • 24/7 Support with Live Chat
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Why is Neuropsychology for Coaches obligatory?

The Art of Making

The skill you need to become a real professional.

Develop your skills

Learn the tools used by the world's top professionals.

Read. Watch. Learn.

Boost your confidence, master "the field".

Control how you learn & progress

Which bundle is the best fit for you?

We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel in your professional field.

Become a fully trained professional coach

We guarantee you an exceptional experience with flexible learning paths and professional guidance.

Become a professional coach with an A-game

Enjoy flexibility and variety of payment options for managing transactions online.

One Step Ahead by upping your game

Do you want to become a coach but you are not sure where to start first ?
Or maybe you are already a professional coach and have your own practice.
You could even be a coach and want something to make you stand out when you set up your new practice.

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Pamela Caravas

From the language classroom to the Harvard Medical School Conference & the United Nations Emerging Leaders Experience in 2019.  

Pamela is the first "human hacker" coach to use Sherlock Holmes Techniques worldwide in coaching. Born in Australia, she is an accomplished intellectual performance enhancement coach, an entrepreneur and founder of her global Coaching for Intellectual Performance Enhancement company headquartered in London.  

She is the first coach to work with FBI agents to create a new skill set for executive and life coaches. She is passionate about her research in the lies people tell themselves and how coaches can help their clients go past them.      

Pamela holds a postgraduate degree in Teaching from Aston University, Birmingham. She went on to study all sciences and theories related to brain-to-brain coaching.      

She is a guest lecturer at Universities and colleges teaching the Sherlock Holmes technique in Intellectual Performance Enhancement & Coaching in addition to Negotiation Skills.  

She currently works as an affiliate for UNLOQ on projects delivering coaching to the United Nations (UNDP, UNV) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees among other projects for small and large corporations. 

To read more about Pamela, please visit her bio.
Patrick Jones - Course author

Frequently asked questions

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