Lesson series

Elementary Coaching Skills: Competence Assessment Module

Coaching has value when you learn how to apply it successfully. This is your opportunity to stand out with quality.
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  Start date

This course starts as soon as you successfully complete the Elementary Coaching Skills: Knowledge-based  Modules

   Course Duration

This is a highly practical element that is part practice and part research. Specific dates are set for the group coaching. This 


The course is in English but can be attended by anyone with a working knowledge of the English language. Actively participating in the community and forums will earn you points for successful completion of the course.


3-4 hours per week including the time allocated for the 1 hour group sessions & supervision. Time needs to be put aside to write the Field Project which is the final 2.500 word assignment.

A quick overview of the course

Hybrid (blended) learning at its best with face to face delivery + use of e-learning platform 

  • 1 Module broken down into two parts
  • 3 Group Coaching Sessions 
  • 3 Individual Mentor Coaching Sessions
  • 1 Final Knowledge Assessment
  • 1 Knowledge Evaluation with a coaching sample
  • 1 Field Assignement

Who is this course for?

When you wish to acquire the foundations of professional coaching without aiming to - necessarily - build an external practice, or if you wish to become an internal coach, then this course is for you.
Ideal candidates may be:
  • executives & HR staff
  • managers of all levels
  • teachers
  • university students
  • employees & staff of all organisations & NGOs
  • SME business owners & directors
  • politicians
  • sports coaches

Breakdown of course hours

  Total course hours: 20
  Hours per group coaching: 3 for each small group
  Hours per individual mentor coaching: 3 per student
  Pre-recorded videos with full analyisis of tasks to be completed successfully in this course: approximately 2-3 hours included in total course hours
Additional time to invest for this course
 Asynchronous self-study & assignment completion hours: approx. 10 hours 
 Practicum (coaching real clients via our practicum experience): 24 hours

Spartan Level: Efficacy Enhanced by Ethics

How can I become a fully certified professional?

Coaching Knowledge + Assessment + Neuropsychology
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Coaching Evolution Int'l Academy is committed to delivering high quality education with transparency, loyalty and dedication to ethics. Our course structure is such that ensures all of you, our students, remain engaged and willing to complete the full course, thus adding more value to your time and money. To receive a Certificate of Completion and to become eligible to apply for an official credential, you need to complete all three of the following courses. The full Elementary Coaching Skills programme can be completed within one year. 

Below you can see what each course offers.
REMEMBER: on this page you can only purchase the Elementary Coaching Skills: Competence Assessment Module course.
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Elementary Coaching Skills: Knowledge-based Modules

This is the core learning phase (Phase I). You need to complete this phase successfully before you can move on to the next phase which is the more practical part of the full programme. The lectures are delivered via live Zoom video calls (camera on and interactive presentation of material)

Deliverables & assessed elements

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Elementary Coaching Skills: Competence Assessment Module

This is the assessment phase (Phase II). You need to complete it successfully along with Phase I in order to obtain a Certificate of Completion from our Academy. Only then are you eligible to apply for an official credential by the ICF and the EMCC Global.

Deliverables & assessed elements

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Neuropsychology for Professionals

The first course ever to be formally included in a coach training programme. For our Academy it is a pre-requisite to complete your coach training effectively and to coach efficiently. It is included for free if you are determined to become a coach and purchase the complete Elementary Coaching Skills programme.

Deliverables & assessed elements

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Are you interested in becoming a fully certified coach? 
then check out the offer we have below! 

Elementary Coaching Skills course bundle offer
Save $300

This course is usually purchased with:

Elementary Coaching Skills - KNOWLEDGE-BASED ModuleS

Bonus Course in this offer: Neuropsychology for Professionals Part 1. You save an extra $450
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What's included?

This is the ELC Certification process.
This segment of the course is completed depending on your personal time. Even though it is mostly self-paced, there are group classes which you are required to attend live in order to receive a Certificate of Completion.
To ensure high quality group coaching, the groups are limited to max 10 participants each. There should be at least 5 participants to form a group.

3 Group Coaching Sessions

The group coaching sessions are set on specific dates to fit everyone's schedules. Each session lasts one hour. These sessions are facilitated by a Mentor Coach and the students are given real time feedback along with written observations.


This element allows for free practice to consolidate knowledge and establish skills. Each student gets access to videos + the Practicum Guide which includes detailed instructions on how to successfully complete the Practicum. 

Final Knowledge Assessment

This is a multiple choice test which follows the style of the ICF assessment process. It requires intensive study of the details in the course plus study of extra curricula resources.

Field Assignment

This requires a combination of research on a specific topic, innovation and reflection on your personal journey towards becoming a professional coach. The research requires study of extra curricula resources.

Individual Mentor Coaching

Each student must complete at least 3 hours of mentor coaching with a PCC or MCC mentor coach. The sessions are set on mutually agreed dates which suit both Mentor Coach and student.

Performance Evaluation

One recorded session with a client (approx. 30- 40 min) to be submitted during which you will be demonstrating the International Coaching Federation Core Competencies and specific CEI Academy framework of competencies.

Your assessment module

Part 1
This part of the module gives you the opportunity to practice your skills in a safe environment, with a PCC or MCC coach instructor. It consists of 3 group live teleclasses for observed group coaching. During your practice, you will receive oral and written feedback on your performance as a trainee coach. All sessions will be recorded so you can go back and review how you performed the session and reflect on what happened, the outcome, what could have been differently and how, what you have learnt and how you plan to apply in a following session.

 Part I also includes the beginning of the Practicum. You will need to sign up (sign an actual contract with the Academy) to engage in real coaching sessions with volunteers. You will be assigned 4 volunteers and the requirement is to complete 6 sessions with them, that is a full coaching assignment. These sessions are unpaid and are part of your assessment.


Element 1 - Observed Group Coaching
Element 2 - Practicum 
Research & Intensive background reading
Part 2
This part of Module 5 can be considered the final examination of the whole training for the Elementary Coaching Skills programme.
The final module consists of 4 parts:
  • 3 individual mentor sessions, led by one of the fully qualified CEI Academy instructors aimed at improving individual performance for 1-0-1 sessions (full participation required)
  • One field assignment which is a combination of research on a specific topic, innovation and reflection on your personal journey towards becoming a professional coach
  • Final Knowledge Assessment: Multiple choice test following the style of the ICF assessment process
  • Performance Evaluation: One recorded session with a client (approx. 30- 40 min) to be submitted during which you will be demonstrating the International Coaching Federation Core Competencies and specific CEI Academy framework of competencies


Element 3 - Individual Mentor Coaching 
Element 4 - Field Assignment
Element 5 - Final Knowledge Assessment
Element 6 - Performance Evaluation

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Why should I take this course?

The #1 Course to Land a Job in Design. All necessary tools are included. Learn how to create amazing products for Beginners & Advanced professionals. Learn the tools used by the world's top professionals.
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

Overall objectives of the course

Learn to use all the related tools, walk into a job and be a rockstar from day one
  • We will help you unlock your inner potential so you can excel in your professional field
  • Boost your confidence, master the field, become a certified professional
  • The skills you need to become a real professional. Thrive in your career.
  • The #1 Course to Land a Job in Design. All necessary tools are included
  • Learn how to create amazing products for Beginners & Advanced professionals
  • Learn the tools used by the world's top professionals

Certification included

  • Powerful LMS on Vue.js

    Knowing how to promote your course(s) and get your sales to the next level, is an essential part of building a profitable business.
    • Beautiful Sales Pages
    • Intelligent sales engine
    • Rich interactive courses
    • Fully social learning
    • Advanced analytics
  • Powerful LMS on Vue.js

    Knowing how to promote your course(s) and get your sales to the next level, is an essential part of building a profitable business.

Course Lessons

Meet the instructor

Pamela Caravas

From the language classroom to the Harvard Medical School Conference & the United Nations Emerging Leaders Experience in 2019.  

Pamela is the first "human hacker" coach to use Sherlock Holmes Techniques worldwide in coaching. Born in Australia, she is an accomplished intellectual performance enhancement coach, an entrepreneur and founder of her global Coaching for Intellectual Performance Enhancement company headquartered in London.  

She is the first coach to work with FBI agents to create a new skill set for executive and life coaches. She is passionate about her research in the lies people tell themselves and how coaches can help their clients go past them.      

Pamela holds a postgraduate degree in Teaching from Aston University, Birmingham. She went on to study all sciences and theories related to brain-to-brain coaching.      

She is a guest lecturer at Universities and colleges teaching the Sherlock Holmes technique in Intellectual Performance Enhancement & Coaching in addition to Negotiation Skills.    

To read more about Pamela, please visit her bio.
Patrick Jones - Course author

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